Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eat More Often for Stomach With Sixpack?

Who says that frequent meals instead takes you away from the stomach sixpack? The pattern of "eating clean" a well regulated even allows you to get closer to the athletic body, well you can eat more often!

 In this context, the meaning of "Eating Clean" not washing hands before eating, or eating foods that are guaranteed level of cleanliness, nor eat clean no trace on the plate. Eating clean is a common term in the fitness world for a diet high in protein and low in fat."But what if I were thin? Do I also need to avoid fat? "The answer is yes, although you are quite thin and are in the program gain weight, does not mean you are free to eat as much fatty foods, lots of it. Besides being able to raise cholesterol levels, excess fat will make you achieve your desired sixpack.To raise the weight and get an athletic body and stomach sixpack, exercise and clean eating more often is the key to success!

More frequent mealsEat more frequently (2-3 hours) helps to increase calorie intake. Besides eating the intensity, type of food you eat will affect your body shape after gaining weight. Choose foods with high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates to support the formation of your muscles. If you're busy, L-Men Amino Bar and L-Men 2 go can be a high-protein diet option that is practical for you busy. In addition, legumes can also be an alternative to foods high in protein. You do not have to worry about the fat content in nuts, because the fat in nuts are good fats that can help lower kolesterol1.

Watch your Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner also

During sleep, the body does not get any nutrient intake. Therefore, breakfast is very important to supply the nutrients back in the body. So guys ... do not skip breakfast. In addition to restore the nutrients in the body, breakfast is important to meet your energy needs throughout the day. Choose complex carbohydrates (whole grains or oats) and protein (milk or eggs) as a breakfast menu. For lunch and dinner, avoid high fat containing foods such as fast food and fried foods and beverages high in sugar. Choose a menu of food prepared with boiled, baked or grilled.

Nutrition for Your Sixpack: Before and After Fitness

To maximize the muscle-building exercise, you also need to be concerned about nutrition before and after exercise. The combination of complex carbohydrates 1 hour before exercise is useful as a source of energy and muscle glycogen during exercise. After exercise, consume protein and simple carbohydrates such as juices, both fruit and vegetable juices. Consumption of carbohydrates and protein after a workout will maximize the formation of muscle and minimize muscle breakdown (muscle protein breakdown) 2
So, why not eat (net) more often to get the athletic body and stomach sixpack?


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