Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to Spy With Binoculars

from an eHow Contributor 

Many people use binoculars to spy on other people. It magnifies what you see so that you can get a clear view to read lips and capture details. Whether you perform a recon mission for a paintball war or want to catch your friend's lover cheating, there are several things to keep in mind when using binoculars to spy on others.

Read more: How to Spy With Binoculars |


  1. Dress yourself in camouflage to spy with binoculars when outside. You will blend in with the bushes, trees or grass in which you hide. Make sure that you cover the top of your head and you paint your face to match.
  2. Wear dark colors such as navy blue or green if you spy from your bedroom window with the lights off. You will blend in with the dark background.

  3. Stand at the side of your window if you spy from inside your house. If you stand in the middle, you risk someone seeing you from outside. Stick your binoculars out the side of your curtains or blinds, and keep your body out of view.
  4. Spy at night so the sun doesn't reflect off the lens of your binoculars. This will draw attention to you immediately. If you must spy during the day, purchase binoculars with an anti-reflective coating.
  5. Lie prone on the ground when spying outside. Prone position consists of lying on your stomach with your binoculars resting on your arm as you spy. Stay as low as possible to keep out of sight.
Read more: How to Spy With Binoculars |

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